A recent Gallup Report (State of the Global Workplace 2024) found that top and bottom quartile business units and teams had a 23% difference in profitability. Gallup concluded: Although leaders may know their overall employee engagement numbers, employee engagement primarily happens at the team level — and there may be a wide gap between your best and worst engaged teams.

Leaders concerned about profitability should examine team engagement more closely. So, even in a company where overall scores are high there could be pockets of bad practice where employees need proactive intervention from the companies’ leaders. The Global Cost of Low Engagement; in 2023, global employee engagement stagnated following multiple years of steady growth. The result is that, according to Gallup, 77% of the world’s workers are either checked out or actively opposing their employer. Gallup estimates low engagement costs the global economy 9% of GDP.

How can you drive employee engagement? There are some clear actions that you can take. One of those is ensuring that your employees have the right skills for their jobs and that they have opportunities to grow and develop within their current role. To support your customer and legal teams the British Brands Group provides a range of functional training, that they can benefit from; GSCOP, Legal Compliance and Trading with Amazon.
