How well do you understand the needs of the New Generation hitting the workplace?
A recent Network of Women and Deloitte Report informed us that : Gen Z will soon surpass Millennials as the most populous generation on earth, with more than one-third of the world’s population counting themselves Gen Zers. With jobs undergoing change AND with the workforce shrinking, competition for talent will be fierce. Companies need to think—and prepare— differently to win in the talent market. Employers should consider redesigning these jobs in a way that can both attract and engage Gen Z and ensure that jobs continue to generate a pipeline of future talent.
To appeal to them will require organisations to truly personalise career experiences (the way we think about personalising offers we make to customers).
The report concluded with these words: Gen Z is quickly becoming the most educated and debt-laden generation in history. So organizations that focus on investment in learning and skill/capability development become more attractive to this education-oriented cohort.
If you are finding that increasing numbers of your Account Teams trading with the UK’s top Retailers are GenZ have they received GSCOP training? Are they confident with their legal language? If not, check out the variety of Brands Group training options to fit your needs and budget, along with training approaches which engage this generation!